Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The world looks better through glasses with no lenses ^^

Recently I have decided that one of my favorite things ever are 3D glasses! With or with out the lenses they are the coolest thing to me... although i do like them better with out the lenses ... just in case the sun is out, these glasses do not screen ultraviolet rays (so says the warning label on the package), so i make sure to put some lensed up ones on.

Something funny about No lens glasses that I found on google when i Search "korean No lenses":

Wagon stuff:
A while ago i picked up some purple durple lugnuts! they coo. They on the car now.

Also got the shifter all situated. looks neat... in the car now.

Wish list... IDK.... soon?


Yuta Akaishi said...

HAHA thats my arm up there on your banner!

Russell said...

yes sir! indeed it is^^